How can I set up Dittofi to run on my own private server?

Dittofi generates real computer code that you can export from the platform at any time. This means that we are often asked, how can I set up my own private infrastructure to host my app.

In this article we explain one way that you can do this. It is worth noting, that this is just one way that you can set up a Dittofi app.

Step 1: Install go

Download go version 1.15.2

curl -O

If you already installed go then remove the old version sudo rm -R /usr/local/go

Open the downloaded version tar -xvf go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Move the downloaded go file to /usr/local/go sudo mv go /usr/local Go to root cd ~

Make go/src directories mkdir go cd go mkdir src

Upload backend into go/src

Step 2 - Build go

Go to go/src/backend

Type go build ./backend

Step 3 - Install postgresql

sudo apt update sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib sudo systemctl start postgresql.service

Step 4 - Configure postgresql

Create database dittofi;

Create user dittofi with encrypted password 'dittofi';

Grant all privileges on database dittofi to dittofi;

Step 5 - Install redis

sudo apt install redis

Step 6 - Install nginx

Step 7 - Build Frontend

Last updated

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