Data Models
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Data Models are places where your application data is stored e.g. users, products, drivers etc. The data is represented in a grid format, similar to a spreadsheet.
Unlike a spreadsheet however, each of the columns (or fields) has specific "types" that allow you to store rich content inside each field. For example, a field can contain rows (or records) with attachments, rich text, checkboxes and links to records in another table.
In this article we are give a reference guide to all the different types of fields that are available inside Dittofi.
All available fields are listed below in the order that they appear within the Dittofi platform. For more information, read the corresponding support articles.
An attachment field that allows you to attach one or more files directly to your Dittofi records.
Auto Increment
An auto increment field type automatically creates a unique auto incremented number for each record that is entered into your data model. Unique identifiers are useful when you are looking to perform an action on one single record in your data model e.g. deleting or editing a record.
A checkbox allows you to give a true or false value to a record in your data model.
A date field allows you to easily enter a formatted date. You can choose between the different formats you give to a date for example, local, friendly, US, European or ISO.
Date time
A date time field allows you to easily enter a formatted date and optionally a time. You can choose bewteen different formats for your date time for example, local, friendly, US, European or ISO and 12 or 24 time formats.
An email field allows you to store your users email addresses.
The number field allows you to store whole numbers (integers). It is intended as a general purpose field for numerical values for example, the number of products in a store or the age of different people in years.
Number with decimal
The number with decimal field allows you to store numbers with a decimal place (floating point). The field can be used as a general purpose field for numerical values for example, the distance between to locations in miles or kilometers or the weight of different products.
encrypted string
The password field allows you to store private information as text e.g. passwords. The data stored in this field type is salted, hashed and encrypted and is represented as dots within the data models tab to further protect sensitive information.
Phone number
The phone number field allows you to store phone numbers in formats such as (XXX) XXX- XXXX.
The percentage field type is designed to hold numerical values formatted as percentages. You can choose the level of precision for your percentage as well as choosing to allow negative numbers.
The price field type allows you to store any type of price data for example, dollars, pounds, yen, bitcoin etc. You can choose the precision of the price data and if you would like to allow negative numbers.
The rating field type allows you to store rating data that can be used to identify rankings or quality assessments.
Single select
The single select field type allows you to create a dropdown of custom options that can be displayed for an individual record.
Long text
JSON Object
The long text field type is a rich text field. You can add formatted and styled text with images, structured into titles, subtitles and paragraphs.
Single line text
The single line text is a general purpose text field that can be used to store single line text of any type, for example names, short descriptions, price symbols etc.
The duration field type is a numeric field type that can be used to store short time durations such as hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds. (To store longer time durations such as days, weeks, or other larger units, you should use a regular number field.)
The URL field lets you store clickable links such as Links can be clicked on from within your table or gallery views.
Link to another record
Dittofi custom
The link to another record is a special field that allows you to link records in one table to another table as either a one to one, one to many or many to many relationships. (For more advanced joins, you should can use the object relational diagram.)
Please note that all fields are set to "Allow null fields by default". Dittofi does this to prevent confusion however, you can change this setting at any point.